
Live Music, Dancing & A Safe Clubbing Experience

The IndepenDANCE club nights are a firm favourite with a fantastic night of live music, dancing and a safe clubbing experience. Staff are on hand to support whilst enabling young adults with additional needs the opportunity to meet up with friends and have a dance!

Based at the Hot Box in Chelmsford, the talented DJ’s from Eazee Learning blast out the tunes and support many to try their hand on the decks themselves.

Always a great night and in the words of one attending; 

“the best night EVER!” 

Open to ages 15+ (15 – 18’s attending must have a short breaks passport id and be registered on Just Go).


The next IndepenDANCE will be:


Weds 18th December

We will be returning to the Hot Box in Chelmsford for a
Christmas Celebration!
Our last event was a sell out so get in fast.
Spread the word, tickets are available now for just £11.

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