Independence Project aims to provide high quality services which meet everyone’s needs. We aim and hope we achieve this at all times. We would love to hear what you think of our services and feel free to communicate any comments or compliments via our social media platforms, email, face to face, text or via our website. In order to ensure our services, remain at a high and consistently improving standard, we have a procedure through which you can let us know if for any reason you are not satisfied with your dealings with the organisation. Ask to speak to the activity leader initially. They will assess the situation and make an appointment to spend longer with you, so that more time can be given to the discussion until a satisfactory solution can be found. Most concerns should be addressed this way.
If the situation has not been resolved ask to speak to the managing director who will again, make an appointment with you to try and resolve the situation. Should the problem not be resolved, a complaint in writing should be produced to Independence Project at 73 Swiss Avenue, Chelmsford, Essex, CM1 2AE or emailed to info@independenceproject.co.uk In the unlikely event of a concern not being resolved, parents may put in a formal complaint in writing.
This should include dates, times, a brief outline of the nature of the complaint, who or what it is about and what action you expect to be taken. Once a written complaint has been received. An acknowledgement of the receipt should be sent and they will be kept informed of the progress being made in dealing with it. A final letter outlining the action taken will be sent.
Independence Projects aim is to encourage improvement in individual conduct or performance. This procedure sets out the action which will be taken when disciplinary rules are breached. Read more
Our approach to client confidentiality We believe that confidentiality is central to the trust between our staff, our clients and local, regional or national service providers. Where Independence Project works in partnership with other organisations to deliver a service, client data and referrals may be shared with partners as required. Read more
Independence Project wish to limit the risk to service users when using any device whilst in our care. This includes all digital platforms, although the only access that we regularly offer to service users is through supervised, and restricted Ipad usage. Staff should also be E-Safety trained and aware of potential risks and the procedures to follow should a situation occur. Read more
This document sets out Independence Projects approach towards employing people who have criminal convictions. Read more
Independence Project is committed to ensuring that members of staff, volunteers, service users and all vacancy applicants, are treated fairly in an environment where there is no form of discrimination. Read more
If you have a grievance or complaint to do with your work or the people you work with you should, wherever possible, start by talking it over with your manager. You may be able to agree a solution informally between you. Read more
Independence Project is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, young people and adults, and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. Read more
This is the Privacy Policy of Independence Project Ltd. Independence Project takes its responsibilities regarding the confidentiality of your personal information very seriously, and is committed to protecting your privacy. At all times we aim to respect any personal information you share with us, or that we receive from others, and to keep it safe. Read More
Independence Project is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of Children, Young People and Vulnerable Adults and expects all staff, volunteers and partners to share this commitment. All post holders are subject to a satisfactory enhanced check with the Disclosure and Barring Service. Staff are also required to register with the DBS Update Service to enable regular follow-up checks. Read more
Independence Project is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of Children, Young People and Adults, and expects all staff, volunteers and partners to share this commitment. All post holders are subject to a satisfactory enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service disclosure. Read more
Independence Project aims to safeguard staff, volunteers, service users, plus their families and all parties connected from the affects of Social Media. Read more
Independence Project expect ALL staff and volunteers to speak to their Line Manager and provide any information if suspecting fraud or corruption. If a staff member or volunteer feels they cannot speak with their Line Manager they should alert the directing manager. Read more
This document sets out Independence Project’s policy principles and good practice guidelines on professional boundaries with service users. It is recognised that staff must establish rapport with service users and provide support that optimises the potential for service users to meet their basic human needs and rights. Read more