Jamie’s Story
Jamie is our fabulous young man who is 20 years old. He has Down Syndrome and is autistic as well as having other sensory and dyspraxic difficulties. Jamie loves to be with people and wants to be sociable and involved in all that’s going on.
Andrew’s Story
Andrew is a very placid, amiable young 21 year old man with minimal behavioural issues. He lives at home with his mum, dad and sister. His mother is his primary caregiver and he has good relationships with his family. Looking to the future we want Andrew
Accessing Services
There are many ways to fund our services and this information is designed to signpost you in the right direction and help explain a little further about some topics that people may find confusing. Direct Payments and Personal Budgets Many people with additional needs will
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Jamie’s Story
Below is Jamie’s story written by his mum Jamie has Severe Articulatory Dyspraxia – Jamie finds it extremely difficult to pronounce certain sounds and words. Due to his problems with speech and language he finds it difficult to get his message across to others and