Age 8 - 18 Clubs & Activities

Building confidence, social skills and self esteem

At the Independence Project, our mission is to enable people with additional needs to achieve independence, and that goal extends to the children and young people we support through our 8 – 18’s clubs and activities. Building confidence, social skills and self esteem is so important to aid transitions through adolescence and adulthood – as well as being a lot of fun!

We are proud to be part of the SEND Sensation partnership, commissioned by Essex County Council to deliver Short Breaks Community Clubs and Activities in Mid Essex and North Essex. Our clubs and activities are available to all those with a short breaks passport ID. Ages 8 – 18 can receive part funded places through Essex County Council short breaks funding.

For ages 19 – 25, please contact us directly as spaces are limited but we can support you with information about using your personal budget and we can also offer other opportunities through our adult programmes.

Age 8 -18: What we offer

Columbus Banner-2

Columbus School Clubs

After school and during holidays, Chelmsford

Dance Carousel-2

NGU Dance Clubs

After school, Chelmsford


Weekend Activities

Braintree & Chelmsford


Radio Clubs

After school, Braintree & Tendring

We are extremely proud of our highly qualified, knowledgeable and experienced team of specialists and expert staff that have the passion and drive to offer the best care and support for the children and young people attending our clubs and activities. 

Find out more

Before attending, every child will need to complete a full assessment to ensure all of their health needs are met and any extra training can be undertaken, if required. As an Essex short breaks provider we have access to training from Provide to ensure we can support all individual needs such as epilepsy with rescue medication, enteral feeding, anaphylaxis, oxygen therapy, oral or nasal suction and assisted artificial ventilation.

To register or find our more please contact our short breaks lead, Karen on 07877 121089 or email

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