Opportunities for People with Learning Disabilities and Autism to achieve Independence!

Opportunities for Young Adults with Learning Disabilities and Autism to achieve Independence!


What we offer

Day Opportunities

We are committed to developing diverse day opportunities that support adults, through a range of purposeful outdoor activities and seek to increase their independence and confidence within their own community, as well as enabling a break for unpaid carers.

Independence Clubs

Independence Clubs CIC is a members club for adults with learning disabilities and autism, providing social activities to increase life skills and reduce social isolation within the special needs community. Have the opportunity to become a member today!


Age 8 - 18 Clubs & Activities

At the Independence Project, our mission is to enable people with additional needs to achieve independence, and that goal extends to the children and young people we support through our 8 – 18’s clubs and activities.

Supporting People In Employment

6% of working age adults with a learning disability in England are currently in employment. We think that this statistic is a shocking one that the country needs to face up to. Employers need to realise the benefits that employing people with disabilities brings them.

Who we are

Independence Project provides day care, day services, support, and opportunities for young adults with learning disabilities and autism.

Our day centre in Chelmsford ensures all of our members learn whilst having fun in a safe environment. With an abundance of indoor activities, day opportunities, and holidays, our ultimate goal for the people we support is to see them achieve independence! 

We are on a mission to highlight the difficulties that people face across Essex and strive to make a difference whilst impacting individuals’ lives and their families.

We have built a team of specialists and experts that have the passion and drive to offer the best care and support for our members. We have extensive knowledge and experience encompassing many areas and facets of peoples lives.

We are advocates and champions for people with disabilities who strongly believe everyone deserves the opportunity to achieve independence!

Associated with

Personal Stories

Alex Land's a Job

Jamie's Story

Andrew's Story

Our story

Parents would often come back to me amazed at what their child had achieved! Many of these young people were faced with great social isolation and found it difficult to fit into society. Read more

What our Members have to say

The difference that Independence Project has made to Andrew’s life is tangible and he engages in all the activities. Andrew is happy, safe and in absolutely the right place to grow and fulfil his potential. This is all we could possibly wish for Andrew and I am forever grateful to Andrew Denny and the team at Independence Project.
Heather Moore
Andrew's mum
Ben is in the process of transitioning from full time education to part time and because of his complex needs I was concerned about him becoming socially isolated and the impact a loss of structure and routine would have on him. Independence Project has provided him with socially inclusive experiences while also looking at his employability skills and covering the basics of education which has enabled him to grow in confidence and look forward to his future.
Gill Reeve
My son is with the Independence Project every Thursday, learning employability skills, social skills and having fun. Last week Andrew helped him put together a cv and then in the afternoon they went bowling and played pool. Andrew has a good relationship with the individuals he works with.​
Dee Coe
The Independence Project is the most amazing, positive place for our young people. All of the staff are so positive and cheerful and make it a really fun and relaxed place to be. Jamie wouldn’t have coped as well last year without the help and support of Andrew and his team – thank you all so much.
Jo Jeyes
Jamie's mum

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